How do I choose what Dyson tools to have in the box?



Dyson Full Clean Kit

供應中 評分 5.0 (1) The Dyson Full Clean Kit comes with a flexi crevice tool, a mattress tool, a still bristle brush, a soft dusting brush, and Dysolv stain remover.

Dyson Complete Car Cleaning Kit (Compatible for All ...

評分 4.2 (28) Combines with any Dyson tool to reach further : A flexible wire helix engineered from tough wire sandwiched between two layers of durable plastic - springs ...

Dyson Carry & Clean Kit : 居家與廚房

Two tools for spot cleaning and an storage bag to organize your equipment. The Stubborn dirt brush uses stiff nylon bristles to dislodge ground-in dirt.

Advanced cleaning kit

評分 1.0 (1) Dyson-engineered accessories to deep clean mattresses and upholstery, and reach further under furniture. Dyson accessory kits for cordless vacuums.

Complete cleaning kit

供應中 Includes the articulating hard floor tool, the carbon fiber soft dusting brush, and the reach under tool. Compatible with your Dyson upright and canister ...

Specialist cleaning kit

供應中 Engineered from tough and durable polypropylene. Converts a Dyson cordless stick vacuum into a handheld cleaner for tackling spills and quick clean-ups.

Dyson Complete quick

供應中 Dyson Complete quick-release cleaning kit. Remove dust, dirt and allergens from around the home with this set of three Dyson vacuum tools.

Dyson Detail Cleaning Kit

Dyson Genuine Components Car Interior Cleaning/Detailing Kit Vaccum Attachments. Open Box. (11)11 product ratings. $36.98 or Best Offer. Free delivery. Free ...

Dyson Complete Clean Kit

Always here for you. Home; Dyson Complete Clean Kit. Dyson Complete Clean Kit. Suitable for all Dyson models. Available online. Special Price £29.99 Was £59.99.


供應中評分5.0(1)TheDysonFullCleanKitcomeswithaflexicrevicetool,amattresstool,astillbristlebrush,asoftdustingbrush,andDysolvstainremover.,評分4.2(28)CombineswithanyDysontooltoreachfurther:Aflexiblewirehelixengineeredfromtoughwiresandwichedbetweentwolayersofdurableplastic-springs ...,Twotoolsforspotcleaningandanstoragebagtoorganizeyourequipment.TheStubborndirtbrushusesstiffnylonbristlestodislodg...